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Sustainable Ramadan: 5 Tips To Keep This Ramadan Green

Ramadan is a time for fasting and praying, but it is also a time to reflect inwards and see how we can do good. Doing good comes in many forms, not only in charity, but also in keeping our environment safe and clean.

There are many ways to be sustainable this Ramadan and obviously the rest of the year as well. But for now, let’s start it off with 5 tips to try to stay green this holy month.

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Supporting local produce and homegrown brands.

It’s always important during the holy month to support local products, because when a local purchase is made, it yields less effect than mass-produced products. Also, homegrown brands are usually situated in towns or close city centers which means less congestion and pollution.

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Planning food intake and proper waste management.

Over the fasting period, you can practice meal planning and consequently freezing them. In that way, you are always using leftovers, rather than cooking from scratch every night. Also, if you did have a lot of leftovers one night, find your nearest foodbank to donate any leftovers you are not going to use.

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Reducing the water usage.

That can be a concern in Ramadan especially during making ‘wudoo’ / ablution, and during washing dishes. So be careful that the tap is closed and that you are always cautious about your consumption.

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Recycling and reusing.

It can be very tempting to use disposables plates, cutlery, cups, containers, etc. this Ramadan to avoid doing a lot of dishes after eftar, but remember, this can be detrimental to the environment. What you can do is re-use or divide chores along other members of your household so that it doesn’t seem too much.

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This holy month, you are cleansing your mind and body, so why not cleanse your home as well? The first thing you can do is a little spring-cleaning activity! Head to your wardrobe and try to find items you are not wearing anymore and donate them to your closest charity. Another thing you can do is de-cluttering your living spaces and giving away anything you no longer need.

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