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8 of Our Favorite Pieces by Saudi Graffiti Artist Noura

Noura bin Saidan

Noura bin Saidan, a name that speaks for itself, only because she’s one of the most talented graffiti artists in the KSA. Having made a name for herself all by her own ambition and drive, the artist has been featured in many publications, invited to talk shows, and participated in many festivals and events in Saudi, including horse racing events and the Hakaya Misk festival. Other than all that, who wouldn’t want her to paint a wall in their homes?

We at AboutHer are huge fans of the artist, as she not only produces magnificent pieces of art, but she also echoes the Saudi female voice and presence in every paint stroke she sprays onto walls. Here are 8 of our favorite works by Nour bin Saidan:


رسمتي القرافيتي انا و @snbl7 في حديقة الملقا بالرياض ،، ماتتخيلون شلون مبسوطه رغم انه خلصناها بوقت وجيز وكانت متعبه بس ماحسيت لأني كنت سعيده وانا ارسم بمراكز عامه ببلدي وان شاءالله اول الغيث قطره ,,, شكرا لأمانة الرياض على هذي الفرصه والثقه وشكر خاص لراشد على مجهوده وحماسه ودعمه الدائم لي #streetart #graffiti #graffitiartist #saudiartist #art #artist ##streetart #garden #park #نوره_السعيدان #نوره_بن_سعيدان #قرافيتي #قرافيتي_عربي #قرافيتي_سعودي #كلنا_فنانين

Une publication partagée par نوره بن سعيدان (@myarts2012) le

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