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UAE-Based Shereen Mitwalli Can Lead You Down the Right Career Path

The life coach and motivational speaker launched a test that reveals personality traits that can be developed into professional strengths in a field of work that best complements you.

Shereen Mitwalli

If you feel your job isn’t living up to expectations and you’re not all that inspired, or perhaps even dread the thought of going to work every day, you’re not alone. Up to 85 percent of workers around the globe admit to hating their jobs, and only 13 percent of employees are engaged or emotionally invested in their work. That’s most probably because they aren’t in careers that match their personality traits.

Shereen Mitwalli, a certified life & communication coach/educator, who is renowned for her motivational talks, coaching seminars, public events and engagements with established brands and businesses, has launched a unique new tool to combat the dilemma.

Called the Personality & Career Test, it is is a game changer for anyone who wishes to know more about themselves on a personal and professional level. More importantly, it helps users make better career choices based on their characters and finding purpose in life.

Designed for all, from fresh graduates to those looking to shift career paths or those who are simply curious, the easy-to-use multiple-choice test is quick to take. Some of the questions in the test touch on how you would conduct yourself in different situations, perceptions and your comfort levels. The questions also delve into a person’s sense of sensation, intuition, feeling and thinking, which have two polar orientations.

The insightful information helps steer your professional journey in the right direction, part of Dubai-based Mitwalli’s aim to help people make better life choices. As well as analysing your transferable skills and highlighting your traits and how you like to communicate, the test guides you through career areas to focus on and those to avoid. Plus, the results even include celebrity/key figures who share your personality type.

While creating the test based on the Myers Briggs Personality philosophy, Mitwalli, a top-notch bilingual presenter who is formally trained in television broadcasting and live presenting, consulted a group of PhD professors to ensure accuracy. By turning to the professors, the Egyptian who was born and raised in Australia, also guaranteed the test is backed up by years of psychological research.

“Finding a career path that makes us feel satisfied and successful isn't easy. It's not something they teach in school, making the journey much more challenging. Work defines us as people so when we’re not happy, it directly affects our mental state,” Mitwalli, who has interviewed people like Richard Branson, Jack Hamilton, Penelope Cruz and Gigi Hadid, said.

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