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KSA Has Just Built a House Using 3D Printing Technology, a First in the Middle East

By now, you have probably heard of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, an ambitious blueprint comprising the country’s long-term goals and expectations, many of which aim to reduce the Kingdom’s dependence on oil, diversify its economy, and develop public service sectors. As part of Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Housing also aims to increase the ownership rate in the country by at least 70 percent. In line with its objectives, the Ministry announced this week that it has successfully built the first house using 3D printing technology in the Middle East. The structure, which is located on the ministry’s land west of King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh, was made possible by the Dutch company Cybe.

“The aim of this experiment is to compete with the technological progress in the world of future construction, to benefit from the latest technologies in the world, and to be a pioneer in promoting the adoption of innovative construction techniques in the construction sector and the localization of its industry in the Kingdom in line with the objectives of Vision 2030 and the National Transformation Program 2020,” read a statement by the ministry.

“Through introducing 3D printing, which is one of the most innovative ways to build a reliable future, contribute to the manufacture of integrated residential units through digital model components, and looks at the use of this technology in the future to reduce the costs of collection, transport and construction in addition to being eco friendly […] The Building Technology Initiative seeks to create a proactive and supportive environment for experiments and research in the field of future building technologies and 4G technologies. Therefore, it has conducted numerous experiments to develop some modern building techniques in an attempt to adapt it such as 3D printing.”

According to its website, the Ministry of Housing is looking to make Saudi Arabia a pioneering and supportive environment that is conducive for experimentation and research, by continuously investing in advanced technologies and striving to match the world's best in construction.

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