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KSA Holds Third Place in World Happiness Report after UAE and Qatar

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been ranked third, topped only by the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, in the list of the happiest Arab countries in the world, according to a report. The report, which ranks 155 countries by their happiness levels, was released at a United Nations event celebrating International Day of Happiness

According to the International Report for Happiness 2017, issued by the Sustainable Solutions Network, Scandinavian countries are the happiest overall, with Norway ranking as the happiest country in the world, followed by Denmark, Iceland, Finland, and Holland, then  Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Sweden.

Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and special adviser to the United Nations Secretary-General, says that the report aims to provide governments, businesses and civil societies with another tool to assist in enhancing the overall well-being of a country’s inhabitants. The report called on countries to enhance equality and social security to increase their citizens’ sense of satisfaction and happiness, according to Riyadh newspaper.

To see the full report, go to:

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