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Ameni Esseibi’s New Body Positivity Campaign Tugs at the Heartstrings

Awareness about bullying and how it affects people is so important in the social media age.

Tunisian-born model Ameni Esseibi has made a name for herself as a champion of body positivity. And in her latest move, Esseibi, who made headlines as the Middle East’s first curvy model, has launched a new campaign about the power of words and how they can positively or negatively impact people and accepting ourselves as we are.

In the campaign, Esseibi, who has teamed up with others like Hadeel Marei and Zina Kharma to help women of all sizes embrace self-love and self-acceptance, highlights the importance of using appropriate words. As most of us know, words can either inflict pain and scar or inspire, set free and heal. The Dubai-raised Esseibi also wants us to be unapologetic about every aspect of ourselves.


How many words do you speak in a day? More importantly, are you aware of their great impact on yourself and those around you? Words can be one of the deadliest weapons one can wield, they also can be used as a balm to inspire, liberate, encourage and heal. Not every thought needs to be spoken, and certainly shouldn't be, but so many of us struggle with saying the wrong thing and then quickly regretting it. Cyber bullying is bullying. Hiding behind a screen doesn’t make it any less hateful. Don’t forget no one heals themself by wounding another. School administrators can’t say it’s up to the parents. Parents can’t say it’s up to the teachers. Teachers can’t say it’s not their job. And kids can’t say, “I was too afraid to tell.” Every single one of us has to play our role if we’re serious about putting an end to the madness. We are all responsible. We must be. No one deserves for a second to feel worthless in this world . Never give anyone the ability to bring you down or allow you to think that you are not good enough. Each and every one of us were placed on this earth with a purpose. Do not be afraid to be yourself because that is what it makes you special.كم عدد الكلمات التي تتحدثها في يوم واحد؟ الأهم من ذلك ، هل أنت على علم بتأثيرها الكبير على نفسك وعلى من حولك؟ يمكن أن تكون الكلمات واحدة من أخطر الأسلحة التي يمكن للمرء أن يمتلكها ، كما يمكن استخدامها كبلسم لإلهام وتحرير وتشجيع والشفاء. لا يجب التحدث عن كل فكرة ، وبالتأكيد يجب ألا تكون كذلك ، لكن الكثير منا يناضل من أجل قول الشيء الخطأ ثم نأسف له بسرعة. سايبر البلطجة هو البلطجة. الاختباء وراء شاشة لا يجعلها أقل كراهية. لا تنسى أن لا أحد يشفي نفسه بجرح آخر. لا يمكن لمسؤولي المدارس القول إن الأمر متروك للوالدين. لا يمكن للآباء قول الأمر متروك للمعلمين. لا يمكن للمعلمين أن يقولوا إنها ليست وظيفتهم. ولا يمكن للأطفال القول: "كنت خائفًا جدًا من أن أخبرني". على كل واحد منا أن يلعب دورنا إذا كنا جادين في وضع حد للجنون. نحن جميعا مسؤولون. يجب أن نكون. لا أحد يستحق أن تشعر ثانية أنه لا قيمة له في هذا العالم. لا تمنح أي شخص أبدًا القدرة على إسقاطك أو السماح لك بالتفكير في أنك لست جيدًا بما يكفي. وضع كل واحد منا على هذه الأرض بغرض. لا تخف من أن تكون نفسك لأن هذا ما يجعلك مميزًا.

Une publication partagée par Ameni Esseibi أماني اسيبي (@ameniesseibi) le

During the campaign video detestable words written on Esseibi’s body are replaced with encouraging ones while Alicia Cara’s Scars to Your Beautiful plays in the background. “But there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark. You should know you're beautiful just the way you are. And you don't have to change a thing, the world could change its heart.
No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful,” Cara sings.

“No one deserves for a second to feel worthless in this world. Never give anyone the ability to bring you down or allow you to think that you are not good enough. Each and every one of us was placed on this earth with a purpose. Do not be afraid to be yourself because that is what it makes you special,” the 20-year-old Esseibi said while talking about the campaign to Vogue Arabia.

The French educated motivational force has said she was called names like ‘Whale-Meni’ at school. And now with a super successful career, including campaigns with Farfetch, Charlotte Tilbury and Namshi, the witty and charming role model who bounds with energy is the perfect reference when it comes to the slogans in the campaign: #BeautyBeyondSize, #IAmSizeSexy and #RockYourConfidence.

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