Byader Bin Mahfouz, a student in her final year of high school at Dar Al Fikr Girls School in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, created a kindness campaign for her graduation project. The 100 Days of Giving Campaign, which was conducted via social media and supported by a website and an IPhone application, sought to encourage participants to make random acts of kindness a habit. Participants were asked to complete 100 simple kind acts within a given period of time and to track their process via the IPhone application.
Byader explains “I did some research and discovered that a simple act of kindness has a positive effect on everyone involved in it – the person engaging in the act of kindness, the recipient and the observers. An act of kindness has a domino effect; one act leads to another. This means that kindness can be readily spread.”
Campaign participants gave positive feedback on their experiences and almost universally noted that they felt inspired to continue to engage in random acts of kindness after completing the campaign.
Byader’s graduation project is finished, but the campaign isn’t. She hopes that people will continue to be inspired by it and be kind to one another.