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Here's How The World Celebrated Nurses On Their Day

Leave it to Guy Manoukian to go the extra mile while hailing the healthcare professionals’ life-saving work this year and every year...

Patrick Baz AFP ©

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a constant reminder about the incredibly important and selfless roles nurses and other frontline workers have in society. They’ve been working harder than ever for months to care for patients, and that’s why International Nurses Day took on an even more special meaning this year. The 2020 theme for the event that is celebrated globally every May 12, Florence Nightingale's birthday, is aptly titled Nursing the World to Health. Undoubtedly, as the Columbia University Department of Surgery tweeted, the woman considered the founder of modern nursing “would be so proud of what nurses have managed to achieve during this pandemic."

And to honour the tremendous sacrifices nurses are making every day, similar tributes from around the globe poured in online. Organisations involved in the health sector, whether the World Health Organization, Britain’s National Health Service or the International Committee of the Red Cross, naturally chimed in. Additionally, whether it was actors, including Kevin Bacon, rock royalty like Paul McCartney, or indeed The Royal Family itself, a slew of celebrities and dignitaries took the time to thank nurses for their dedication, commitment and selflessness. A number of sports teams and players also shared their gratitude, as did some renowned techies.

“To the nurses who work every day to save the lives of others—administering care, easing anxieties, comforting families, giving peace and solace in the loneliest of moments—we honor you, we celebrate you and we thank you," Apple CEO Tim Cook posted on Twitter.

Celebrities in the Arab world didn’t hesitate when it came to paying their tributes either. Nadine Nassib Njeim and Nancy Ajram were some of the stars who posted messages of thanks and appreciation.

“All appreciation, respect and love for all nurses. You and all the medical staff are angels who are our guardians to protect our lives,” Lebanese Ajram posted on Twitter.

Maya Diab, who is treating fans to a selection of hits via her YouTube page on the night of 13 May, made it a priority to write a heartfelt note too. Plus, Ragheb Alama re-posted his Entou Amalna song on his Twitter account for nurses to enjoy. However, it was Guy Manoukian who really went the extra mile by serenading nurses at Beirut’s Hotel Dieu Hospital. The internationally acclaimed Lebanese-Armenian music composer and pianist saluted their efforts by playing in the garden, where they could all celebrate with a much-deserved dance.


Banksy’s Tribute
Banksy has donated a new artwork honouring healthcare workers. The piece by the British street artist shows a little boy playing with a nurse superhero toy. The National Health Service (NHS) nurse is wearing a cap, face mask and an apron with the Red Cross logo, which adds an important splash of red to the otherwise black-and-white piece of art. She has one arm outstretched, as if in flight. The eye-catching piece, which he entitled Game Changer, also highlights how the boy has discarded his traditional superhero toys, Batman and Spiderman.


Une publication partagée par Banksy (@banksy) le

The 1x1-metre painting is on display at England's University Hospital Southampton until the autumn, when it will be auctioned off to raise money for the UK's NHS. The anonymous Bristol-based artist reportedly left a note for the workers at the hospital along with the piece, saying, "Thanks for all you're doing. I hope this brightens the place up a bit, even if it's only in black and white." 

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