With an impressive 88% coronavirus recovery rate, Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Health Service Center received 2,903,676 calls in July amid growing concern over the coronavirus pandemic.
Most of the call queries regarded medical consultations (898,039 calls), appointments requests (179,267), and coronavirus questions (287,836).
Raising awareness and spreading credible information on coronavirus have been key in battling the pandemic and the Kingdom has been doing a great job at detering the spread of false or inacurrate information on the disease.
In a bit to maximise their reach, the Saudi Health Ministry also announced the launch of "Ishara", a sign language service for the center for people with hearing difficulties. "Ishara" will be providing the same services: general inquiries, booking appointments, and around-the-clock medical consultations. Some of the examples of typical coronavirus inquiries include: home isolation procedures, infection risks via shipped goods, symptoms, encounters with infected people, test information.
There are 3,000 doctors and customer service professionals covering 24 hours a day to insure top-notch communication through the ministry's multiple channels. You can reach the Ministry of Health through the unified number 937, a Twitter account (@saudimoh937), email address ([email protected]), and their chat feature available on their website.