Obesity is an ailment that accumulates fat in the body leading to negative effects on health. Diabetes is among the most common chronic conditions caused by obesity. Other diseases said to be caused by being overweight are heart and vascular diseases, hypertension, arthritis, obstruction of the respiratory track during sleep and several other illnesses.
Obesity is also known to cause social and psychological effects leading many people who suffer from the disease to perform surgical procedures, or undergo other non-surgical techniques to get rid of the fat. Hence we decided to put together a list of dieting centres in Riyadh to help you stay fit.
Medical Fitness Department
The Clinics, Olaya
This medically-backed wellness department is supported by nutrition experts that enable patients to maintain a healthy and fit body, and get rid of the excess weight and accumulated fats. This is done through applying various therapeutic methods and health programs that are prepared according to the needs of the patients and by using modern medical technology that help to lose weight and break up fats.
Contact Info:
Tel: +966 11 4651919
Email: contactus@the-clinics.com
Obesity Treatment Centre
Dr Sulaiman Al-Habib Medical Centre, Olaya
Treating obesity here isn’t limited to surgical procedures, it extends to nutrition. It has specialists in nutrition therapy who devise highly effective programs that contribute to losing weight, and are connected with exercise and behavioural therapy.
Contact Info:
Tel: +966 11 4622224
Diet Centre, Olaya
With centres across Riyadh, Jeddah and Khobar, Diet Centre is dedicated to the nutritional health of the society. The centre has been creating awareness and educating people in the areas of nutrition and weight loss since its inception in 1996. Doctors here help treat their overweight customers by implementing a specialized diet program to supplement their medical treatment.
The dedicated team at Diet Centre offers treatment for clients with different medical problems that include obesity, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, diabetes, renal failures and other nutrition related conditions.
Contact Info:
Tel: +966 11 2168953/4
Email: info@dietcenter.com.sa
Diet Watcher, Olaya
For a fresh start and a healthy lifestyle, Diet Watchers provides you with a healthy regime that suits your lifestyle and helps you to achieve your goals, in losing or maintaining weight without the need to starve yourself.
Diet Watchers offer nutrition consultations, custom dietary programs and a wide selection of healthy products that compliments a healthy lifestyle.
The clinics are equipped with the latest equipment and technology, under the supervision of nutrition specialists. Dieticians take care of all measurements and required procedures in order to ensure perfect health during a weight loss journey, as well as monitor progress by scheduling periodic follow-ups.
Contact Info:
Tel: +966 11 800 755 2222
Email: info@diet-watchers.com
Nutrition Department
Dallah Hospital, Al-Nakheel
Highly qualified doctors at the hospital’s nutrition department carry out regular medical investigation and help increase health awareness among its patients. Patients are often encouraged to change lifestyle if he/she is not active, emphasizing the impact of lifestyle changes on reducing diabetes and obesity.
Other procedures at Dallah Hospital’s nutrition department include making patients aware of the importance of organizing their eating schedule and the amount of food they eat so that it caters to their personal needs.
Contact Info:
Tel: +966 11 2995555
Email: info@dallah-hospital.com