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YouTube Family Have An Iconic Gender Reveal Projected On Burj Khalifa

Some uplifting news for a change!

Dubai based influencers and YouTube family, Anas and Asalah Marwah, which are expecting their second child, just had their baby’s gender revealed and projected on the iconic Burj Khalifa.  


Une publication partagée par asala mila anas marwah(@anasala_family_world) le

Gender reveal parties have become a common trend amongst parents to be, followed by elaborately themed baby showers, and rather than hearing the gender of the baby at the doctor’s office, people would rather surprise themselves and their family and friends at a social gathering. The Marwahs, whose YouTube channel called “Anasala Family”, opted for a gender reveal party that went beyond a colored cake or confetti from a balloon, and made history, making their gender reveal the first of its kind. The family found out the sex of their baby on the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa, as an animation was projected across the structure before lighting up blue to reveal that the couple are having a boy.  


Une publication partagée par Anas Marwah | انس مروة (@anasmarwah) le

The social media couple already have a daughter, Mila, who was born in 2018, and prior to her being born, they hosted a smaller gender reveal surrounded by their close friends and family. 


Une publication partagée par Anas Marwah | انس مروة (@anasmarwah) le

The family shared the epic gender reveal with 7.5 million followers on YouTube and Instagram, and garnered over 10 million views! The pair had been planning this event for over a month and told their fans, “We wanted to do something unique and memorable so that we can all look at it in the future and remember what we built as a family.” 

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