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Time 100 Features Sheikh Jarrah's Mohammed & Mona El-Kurd

It's refreshing but feels overdue to finally see major Western outlets honor the Palestinian cause and activism.

Time magazine released the annual "The 100 Most Influential People of 2021" and Palestinian twins Mohammed & Mona El-Kurd made it to their powerlist. The iconic duo provides a transparent and unique lens into to daily life of Palestinians under apartheid.

From the heart of Sheikh Jarrah in Jerusalem, the Kurds document violent home expulsions and all type of aggressions Palestinian children and adults face every day.

"Charismatic and bold, they became the most recognizable voices of those threatened with losing their homes in Sheikh Jarrah. Around the world, their grassroots organizing helped inspire the Palestinian diaspora to renew protests," read the Time magazine article.

We are delighted to see global outlets like Time amplify Palestinian voices to their audiences. Thanks to the power of social media and brave people like El-Kurds, the world saw this year the Palestinian cause under a different and unbiased light.

"Through online posts and media appearances, sibling activists Mohammed and Muna El-Kurd provided the world with a window into living under occupation in East Jerusalem this spring—helping to prompt an international shift in rhetoric in regard to Israel and Palestine," the magazine wrote.

Be sure to follow and support Mona and Mohammed El-Kurd.

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