The eighth iteration of the Ramadan Caravan fashion event was introduced last week, just in time for the holy month, by the upscale department store Harvey Nichols in Riyadh. The launch event took place at Mode Mall Al-Faisaliah, which included clothing and accessories from leading regional and local designers. The event was attended by journalists, VIP clients, designers, and high-profile leaders and influencers in Saudi Arabia.
The fashion options available in the caravan include dresses, abayas, kaftans, accessories, and a selection of home decor goods for iftars during Ramadan. Owner of the Jilbab brand Mona Al-Fryan stated that she has participated in the caravan for seven years due to her company and the upscale department store having a close working connection. According to her comments to Arab News, customers had become accustomed to simple designs from earlier collections, but this year she gave variety by coming up with an original black-and-white striped line.
At the opening ceremony, attendees took part in a variety of interactive activities. The fragrance experience given by Accents featured handcrafted perfume Tolah bottles produced by local craftsman Ashwag, while Kuwaiti brand Nagwa featured a build-your-basket station. The visitors received premium chocolate bars from Q Chocolates, and the 360 photobooth was used by attendees to snap pictures as DJ Alaa Jazaeri provided music to liven the mood.
Hala Fattani, designer of L by Hala, revealed that she produced her line of Ramadan evening gowns specifically for the occasion. Her collection is very feminine and has pastel hues, made of French lace and Italian linen.
Ramadan Caravan first took place in 2015, and it has continued every year thereafter. From a small number of local companies in fashion, it has grown to include well-known Saudi and regional names as well as products for food, decoration, and home goods.
In addition to Haifa Al-Megren, Johanna Ortiz, Aseel Collection, Fabie, Al-Maha Designs, Samuda, Glidah, Masheal Al-Torath, more than 35 designers also displayed their merchandise. Designer Aseel Al-Zamel displayed a collection of eveningwear made of silk and crystal. Several of the designs, like the Najdi thobe, were inspired by Saudi culture.
The Harvey Nichols department store in Riyadh is hosting the Ramadan Caravan through April 25.