According to a recent poll, Saudi Arabians are the second-happiest nation's citizens. The latest global Ipsos poll showed that 86 percent of Saudi Arabians describe themselves as "very or rather happy."
Saudi Arabia ranked second among the 32 nations surveyed as a result. China came in first with 91 percent, followed closely by the Netherlands at 85 percent, India at 84 percent, and Brazil at 83 percent.
The lowest percentages, ranging from 50 to 60 percent, were recorded by respondents from Poland, South Korea, and Hungary. With 76 percent, the US remained in the center of the field.
According to the survey, on average, nearly three in four people said they were "happy." The poll reported that the average person mentionned being "happy" 73 percent of the time, an increase of six percentage points since the previous year.
People claim that their relationships with peers and family are what makes them feel the happiest globally.