SHEIN, the renowned international fashion e-tailer, is embarking on a unique new venture by launching its very first reality show, with the enchanting backdrop of Saudi Arabia. This production, entitled "SHEIN Travel Diaries," is the remarkable outcome of a remarkable collaboration between Rotana Media Group, the Saudi Tourism Authority, and Warner Bros. Discovery. Set to premiere at 8 p.m. on 24th June 2023, viewers can experience the captivating journey by tuning in to SHEIN's official YouTube channel, as well as the Rotana Khaleejia YouTube channel.
Across a series of five episodes, the new show will transport its audience through the diverse landscapes and rich cultural heritage of Saudi Arabia, with each stop unveiling iconic restaurants and remarkable landmarks that bespeak the nation's vibrant tapestry. As the narrative unfolds, influencers hailing from various corners of the region will grace the screen, showcasing the resplendent ensembles from SHEIN's illustrious Summer collection.
At the helm of this captivating expedition stands the vivacious host, Sara Khonkar, who will be joined by an esteemed lineup of influencers including the likes of Aliona & Yazan, Noha Nabil, Nouf Nabil, Rakan, Nawaf Suliman, Shahd Naser, and Lana Aqeel. Together, they will embark on an exploration of Riyadh, Jeddah, and the surrounding areas, venturing into the heart of Saudi Arabia's most mesmerizing locales.
While our intrepid influencers delve into the marvels of Saudi Arabia's tourist attractions, they will also be privy to the progress of several ambitious projects aligned with the Saudi Vision 2023. Amidst their thrilling escapades, they will fervently compete to secure the coveted prize of gift cards. The lucky viewers who tune in live on SHEIN's social media platforms and accurately answer the challenges will be the fortunate recipients of these exclusive rewards.
Additionally, each episode will delve into the latest developments and highly-anticipated projects flourishing throughout the Kingdom. The influencers will engage in insightful conversations, discussing the dynamic evolution of tourism and entertainment, the progressive policies championing sustainability and women's empowerment, as well as the impressive enhancements in urban infrastructure witnessed over the years.
Meanwhile, SHEIN has also extended its presence beyond the realm of online retail by introducing an alluring bricks-and-mortar shopping experience in Saudi Arabia. From 1st-20th June, fashion enthusiasts flocked to Al-Nakheel Mall in Riyadh to revel in the splendor of renowned labels such as Dazy, renowned for its Korean-style fashion; Luvlette; and SHEGLAM.
As SHEIN ventures into uncharted territories, captivating audiences with its captivating reality show and captivating offline experiences, it firmly cements its position as a trailblazer in the world of fashion. With every step, it pushes boundaries and redefines what it means to be a global e-tailer. Prepare to be spellbound as SHEIN unfolds the magic of Saudi Arabia and immerses us in a captivating tale of fashion, discovery, and cultural marvels.