Eighteen-year-old Hejoon Al Zeyoudi serves as a beacon of hope. Despite being diagnosed with scoliosis at the age of 11, she has overcome adversity and is determined to spread optimism through her inspiring story of resilience.
Hejoon recalls the challenges she faced as a result of scoliosis, with her shoulders uneven and her self-confidence plummeting. However, following a recovery that changed her life, she penned a book titled "Raghma Shaook Al Hayat" (Despite the Thorns of Life), sharing her experience and inspiring others.
Now in her first year of aerospace engineering at Khalifa University of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi, Hejoon is able to make the commute easily, due to a successful medical procedure.
Her family first noticed the impact of her condition when she was around 11 years old. Seeking medical advice, they discovered the curvature in her spine and attempted physiotherapy and specific exercises. Unfortunately, her condition worsened, leading to traumatic experiences for Hejoon and her family.
They were directed to Dr. Firas Husban, a prominent orthopaedic surgeon at Dubai's Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgery, in their search for the best medical care. Dr. Husban diagnosed Hejoon with scoliosis and recommended immediate surgery, which was successfully performed without complications.
Dr. Husban explains that scoliosis is a progressive disorder characterized by a sideways curvature and rotation of the spine, typically in a "C" or "S" shape. While the cause is often unknown and prevention is challenging, treatment or surgery can improve the condition.
Hejoon emphasizes that her goal in sharing her story is to empower others to make choices that uplift and inspire them. As she stands confidently now after overcoming the challenges of scoliosis, she wants to spread the message of never giving up hope.
Her parents express immense pride in their daughter, acknowledging the hardships she faced but expressing gratitude for the transformative surgery that allowed her to move just a day after the procedure. They appreciate the availability of life-changing surgeries in their region, thanks to the expertise of doctors like Dr. Husban.