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TikTok’s Viral ‘Girl Math’ Explained

Ever felt like you could justify excessive spendings by using creative math? Read on.

Say, for instance, you think that anything under 5 USD is basically free. Or, that if you return something and get store credit, it's like getting the money back for free. If so, you're not alone. This is a phenomenon known as ‘girl math’ – popularized by the viral trend on TikTok.

 @ jazzybaby99  did a great job explaining the basics of girl math in less than a minute

Let's be honest, any girl with an average income has justified buying a Dyson hair dryer with the same thought process as @fvhzm. I know I did.

 After going through hundreds of TikTok videos, I realized that girl math is very real, regardless of where you’re from. Here in Saudi, I talked to 15 girls and asked them to give me examples of their girl math dilemmas. These are the five most interesting and relatable examples:

  • Example 1: When you get unexpected money during Eid, it is basically unplanned money, so you will spend it on things you don't need.
  • Example 2: When you pay for your friends at a restaurant and they all pay you back, it is free money. I don't care what anyone says, I gained cash.
  • Example 3: When you forget about a bank account and then remember it, any money in there is free money.
  • Example 4: When you buy a Dior bag for $6,500 USD and wear it 50 times, you are essentially getting a cost of $130 USD per wear. So, you got your money's worth and you can basically throw it away if you wanted to.
  • Example 5: When you set a budget for travel and you spend less than the budgeted figure, you will buy yourself a gift with the remaining amount because you were a smart and responsible person.

Girl math is a harmless, funny trend, but it's important to be aware of its potential consequences. If you find yourself using it to justify your spending, take a step back and think about the financial implications of your choices. Your future self will thank you.

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