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Bring Out The Peridot

Green jewellery will be leading the way in 2017

Fendi 'Policromia' watch

Jewellery designers are going green, making us fall hard for fresh and uplifting stones like peridots, emeralds and tourmalines.

After global colour expert Pantone crowned “Greenery,” also known as Pantone 15-0343, as this year’s colour, it isn’t a surprise to see it popping up in fashion, beauty, décor, and indeed, jewellery. It seems the recent trend of nature-inspired jewellery is here to stay for a while.

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Ippolita peridot ring

Described as “a fresh and zesty yellow-green shade that evokes the first days of spring when nature's greens revive, restore and renew,” “Greenery” is the perfect revitalising colour to take us into 2017. As well as signalling vitality, regeneration and energy, it is also an ode to the growing interest in protecting nature.

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