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Top 20 Under 30: Meet Saudi Arabia’s Young Female Trailblazers

Inspired by Saudi Arabia's Vision for 2030

Under Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s leadership, Saudi Arabia has been focusing on realizing Vision 2030, an ambitious plan that is set to completely transform the Kingdom, a key part of which involves reforms targeted towards improving the lives of women in the country. Today, as Saudi Arabia continues on its journey towards improving the rights of women in every sphere, AboutHer would like to honour some of the country’s top female personalities under the age of 30.

Our top 20 list, which celebrates the Kingdom’s most innovative, inspiring, and exceptional women from across various sectors, has been consolidated by a committee of their peers.

The Committee
Sarah Ayed bent Mohammed Al Ayed

Al Ayed is the co-founder of the Trans Arabian Creative Communications Services (TRACCS), a top PR firm that oversees important regional and multinational companies, and, until 2012, she was a Director of Strategy and Business Development in Saudi Arabia. Al Ayed is a prominent leading figure in the public relations industry across the GCC countries and is also one of the most prominent Saudi businesswomen today. She was ranked 26th on Forbes’ Most Influential Women in the Arab World in Family Business list (March 2013).

Sofana Dahlan
Dahlan is an accomplished lawyer, researcher, and activist in social and human rights. She holds an undergraduate degree in Law and postgraduate degree in Islamic Law from Cairo University. Dahlan has served as legal consultant in a number of Arab countries including Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, and Lebanon. She is the founder of Tashkeil Global Company and the Saudi National Creative Initiative.

Dr. Malak Al Thagafi
Scientist and researcher, as well as Chairperson of Genomics Research Department at King Fahd Medical City since June 2016 in Saudi Arabia, Dr. Al Thagafi has had a successful career that has seen her acquiring a number of international and local awards.

Dr. Nadia Baeshen
Dean of the College of Economic and Business Administration at King Abdul Aziz University, Dr. Baeshen has served as member in several councils and service committees and has worked hard to ensure that Saudi women have improved social and cultural status. She established Khadija bint Khuwailid Center to serve Saudi business women, as well as a branch to train, qualify, and empower Saudi women in the technical and vocational domain. Dr. Baeshen also established a number of academic colleges.

Click ‘Begin Slideshow’ to see the full list.

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1. Lujain Al Ubaid

Al Ubaid is the CEO and co-founder of Tasamy for Social Entrepreneurship in Riyadh and is also the founder of Social Entrepreneurship. Having participated in the World Summit for Governments held in Dubai earlier this year, she went on to become a member of the board of directors for Al-Jehad Organization, in addition to her work as event expert at Eventana. In 2016, she made the 100 Most Influential Arab Personalities list in Arabian Business magazine and was honored by King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud for her voluntary work with Al- Jehad Organization. In 2014, Al Ubaid was chosen by Google as its ambassador for Saudi universities and, in 2015, she joined the associate program for the American ACUMEN organization, working as Executive Manager for Strategy at Ignis Careers. Lujain studied Finance in Al Yamamah University in Saudi Arabia, was part of the Executive Education Program for Non-Profit Organizations at Columbia Business School in 2014, and participated in the Harvard Business School Women’s Executive Leadership Program in 2015.

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