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Off Script: 15 Hollywood Couples Who Were Love Interests Both On and Off Screen

Actors are professionals, so even when they act as if they have feelings for their on-screen love interests, that often isn’t the case. But sometimes they do develop feelings for their colleagues and decide to take the on-screen romance to the next level.

Other times, acting couples who are already officially married in real life decide to work together and take on roles in the same film or TV show. Either way, it’s pretty cool to know that these couples below didn’t have to quit their feelings once the director yelled “cut!,” regardless of whether or not their romances stood the test of time.

Sigh! These are all great matches, both on screen and off. Although not all of them remained married, they all had a very loving time together while it lasted and they also left us with some fantastic movies to remember them by.

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Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher
That 70s Show (1998–2006)

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