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9 Foods To Eat Now For Fabulous-Looking Skin

Optimise your nutrition with these skin-friendly foods …

Thankfully, nature provides us with super foods that can help us glow and look radiant, typically a sign of health and vitality. For example, those with antioxidants, the health-protecting complexes found in plant-based foods, are important as they stop damage to the body’s cells. While stocking up on healthy foods and drinks can aid in cleansing our bodies of toxins, there are undoubtedly other things to take into consideration when it comes to treating our skin kindly. These include staying away from cigarettes, keeping hydrated, investing in some quality time to eliminate stress, limiting coffee and tea intake and getting the right amount of sleep.

While working on those, here’s a list of foods to add to your shopping basket for skin that looks super fresh and well maintained…

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Aside from being delicious, this fruit is rich in antioxidants and is high in vitamin E, both of which help protect the skin. Avocado helps in regenerating skin cells, which give your skin a healthier complexion. Make sure to add avocado in your smoothies, salads and sandwiches; it will add a great twist as well as help you achieve your beauty goal.

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