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Saudi Youth's Eco-Fashion Revolution: Breathing Life into Discarded Fabrics

In the fast-fashion world, concern over industry waste grows. Saudi-based 23-year-olds Kendah Jambi and Zainab Abumansour address this by repurposing leftover materials by upcycling them into eco-friendly handbags.

Adopting an upcycling mindset, Jambi and Abumansour revitalize used materials while creating a distinctive story. Their discovery of leftover fabric in college served as a catalyst for starting Triad, a Saudi fashion brand that is establishing industry norms for sustainable design.

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Triad, their brainchild, specializes in unisex handmade tote bags featuring customizable chains and accessories. The name "Triad" was chosen to encapsulate the three-way color scheme adopted for each collection and the release of their fashion products in sets of three.

Abumansour explained their motivation, noting the need for sustainable, durable, and elegant bags. According to Jambi, the unique totes were created as customized, visually appealing fashion accessories that were uncommon in the Saudi Arabian market.

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Close friends and fashion design students at the University of Jeddah, Jambi and Abumansour, envisioned becoming business partners. Leveraging their experiences in regional fashion production and haute couture houses, they set out to address the industry's wastefulness while crafting stylish items, each handbag emerging as a unique work of art.

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Abumansour emphasized their dedication to quality by showcasing the fine details and striking color combinations that set their items apart from mass-made accessories. She explained their meticulous design process, involving sketching, fabric selection, and careful consideration of practicality and aesthetics.

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In alignment with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 and inspired by the Saudi Fashion Commission's push for sustainability, the duo aims to contribute positively to their environment. Their Triad handbags are currently available at MC.CMTY pop-up stands in Jeddah and on their Instagram page,

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In acknowledging the environmental impact of fabric-related water pollution, Abumansour asserted their duty toward the planet and viewed promoting sustainability as a challenging yet enjoyable endeavor for local designers. Jambi highlighted how sustainability encourages infinite creativity by repurposing unused textiles to create one-of-a-kind handbags rather than throwing them away.

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What sets Jambi and Abumansour apart is their unwavering determination to minimize waste in the production process. They encourage fellow designers to be audacious and brave, embracing new approaches to protect the planet from damaging consequences of the carbon footprint left by humans.

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